ECOTRIB 2009 will focus on important scientific and industrial issues concerning Biotribology, Ecotribology, and Surface Coatings and Treatments.
- Biotribology
Biotribology covers all human and animal aspects related to friction, wear and lubrication. Human tribology is mainly focused on natural and artificial joints, but includes also aspects of cardiovascular and dental fields, as well as studies on skin, hair and eyes. Animal biotribology, related to the concept of biomimetics, has enormous potential for bioinspired engineering solutions.
- Ecotribology
Environmental Tribology includes all aspects related to energy and material saving and to reduced impact on the environment. Wear reduction generates savings on materials, while low friction reduces energy consumption. Limited resources, increasing costs and negative environmental impact of mineral oils make the research on environmentally compatible lubricants and lubricant biodegradability increasingly important.
- Surface Coatings and Treatments
The design of a surface and a substrate by means of traditional and innovative surface technologies results in cost effective and unique tribological performance enhancement of the components. The development of wear-resistant low-friction coatings and surface treatment technology can reduce the need of lubricant and increase durability and resistance to wear and corrosion. Applications include engines, transmission components and cutting tools.
In addition, presentations on all aspects of Tribology are welcome. They should address in particular, but not exclusively, the following topics:
- Lubricants and Additives
- Boundary and Mixed Lubrication
- Hydrodynamics and Elastohydrodynamics
- Hydrostatic Lubrication
- Gas and Magnetic Levitation
- Friction and Wear
- Contact Mechanics
- Micro and NanoTribology
- Maintenance, Monitoring and Diagnostics
- Tribology of Machine Elements
- Tribology in Manufacturing
- Tribology of Materials