The 2nd European Conference on Tribology (ECOTRIB 2009) is the second biennial Conference primarily focused on the economy and industrial landscape of central and southern Europe. This event is co-organized by the Italian Tribology Association, the Austrian Tribology Society, the Slovenian Society for Tribology, and Swiss Tribology. The Conference coincides also with the 7th AIMETA International Tribology Conference (AITC), organised by the Tribology Group of AIMETA that merged in this Conference since 2007.
ECOTRIB 2009 will provide an international forum for researchers from industry and academia to discuss the latest developments in Tribology, covering friction, wear and lubrication. Tribology bears on almost every aspect of our daily lives. It is the underpinning science and technology which has the potential to impact positively on all aspects of our health, wealth and quality of life, including how we generate and conserve energy, reduce friction and wear, and preserve our environment. The purpose of ECOTRIB is to offer an opportunity to examine the state of the art and a perspective of scientific and technological achievements in selected areas through invited speakers. Conference aims are also to provide researchers with a forum to present their findings and to provide practitioners with a way to relate their experience and solutions to specific topics.
The official language of ECOTRIB 2009 is English.

Download the First Announcement and Call for Papers